Help > Why is Emperor-OS special?
Why is Emperor-OS special?

It comes with many tools for both programming and desktop users. In addition, it has a customized grub boot menu with kernel 5.15 LTS, Plymouth theme, customized login window to login. Also, it has second menu to quick run and search your app, 8 pre-installed and pre-configured desktops (XFCE, LXDE, LXQT, OpenBox, KDE plasma, Mate, Gnome and deepin). It has 2 browsers for the web, 40 games, many graphic tools and file managers, and you can manage Emails, Rip CDs and watch video, play music, burn CDs and DVDs, manage and organize pictures. It also includes the libre Office which allows you to write letters, do spreadsheets, drawings and slide presentations; it has many settings and accessories. Everything you can do with other operating systems, you can do in emperor-OS.